When gemma met molly
After trying for two years for their daughter, she decided she was ready for the world in under three hours once Gemma went into labour.
Convinced it was Braxton hicks for a while, Gemma made sure her hair was washed before heading off to the hospital on the first day of the second ACT lockdown and 45 minutes later, Molly was earthside!
Gemma tells her birth story in her own words…
My birth was not at all what I expected, I know everyone probably says this but let me explain! On Friday the 13th August 2022, the first day of the second ACT lockdown, at 38+4 I woke up at 7am and I mentioned to my partner that I had braxton hicks. He confidently advised me that braxton hicks rarely happen in the morning and that they are more common in the evening. Google had said so (insert eye roll).
He asked how far apart they were and I confidently told home about 20 minutes. He decided to be annoying (as most partners are at 38wks even just by breathing). He followed me around the house timing what I called my braxton hicks, he informed me they were actually 5 minutes apart.
We decided to call the hospital (strongly encouraged by my partner) and they told us to relax, have a shower and some breakfast. It could take days they said, go for a walk they said. By this time things had got pretty intense pretty fast. The idea of a walk was quite terrifying. I decided I could manage a shower, so off I went.
In the shower things only escalated further to the point where I’m not sure how our daughter wasn’t born right there.
My now upgraded braxton hicks had got 2 minutes apart. My partner was speechless to come in to see me washing my hair. I explained to him that it could take days and that I didn’t want dirty hair for days hahaha. He practically demanded I get out of the shower because we were leaving for the hospital. I got out and started brushing my teeth. That’s when I felt this intense pressure and knew it was time to go. Again my partner was speechless to see me brushing my teeth but again who wants dirty teeth for days!
We called the hospital who said that we could come in but they would probably send us home given that my now contractions had only started less than 2 hours ago. All I could say was that it hurt. I was informed it was supposed to hurt and to take some Panadol. Haha not sure what that was supposed to do.
My partner managed to get us in the car and off we went. I honestly was not sure I was going to make it and was even more concerned about how I would even get out of the car.
We made it!! Well I almost made it to the door before I literally collapsed. They brought a wheelchair and took me to a room. They told me they would examine me and they asked partner to undress me but I knew he had left my knickers on, but I couldn't say or do anything. The midwife just laughed! I was examined and told that my baby was coming and she was coming now. We hopped in the shower, my partner in his suit for work holding me up absolutely soaked.
Whilst in the shower I sat on the floor and felt this very overwhelming sensation. I literally just burst into tears, all I could say was ‘we are having a baby’. My partner was quite confused because we had obviously known this for a little while. But I honestly think it had finally hit me that we were actually having a baby. Something we were told was impossible, she was supposed to be impossible. Yet here she was ready to make her entrance earthside.
We tried for 2 years for our daughter, we went through fertility treatment before being told we couldn’t conceive without IVF. We were obviously shattered and made the heartbreaking decision that we weren’t ready for IVF. A month later our daughter was conceived naturally. Our little miracle was finally on her way.
Within 45 minutes of arriving at the hospital our beautiful daughter was born.
Unfortunately for us the lockdown meant we were given the ultimatum of Jack leaves and can't return or we all go home together. We made the decision to go home together just 4 hours after given birth.
What do you wish you knew before birth?
That first time babies can come in 3 hours!
If you could, would you do anything differently?
I would have liked to have stayed in the hospital for a bit longer!
What did your partner do that really helped during labour/birth?
Made decisions and took control. Kept making me use the gas and control my breathing.
What advice/honest truth would give a mama-to-be about birth?
Let it be. Your body knows what it's doing just breathe and go with your body.