Mama Chats.
Through heartfelt questions and candid answers, mamas share their unique journeys of motherhood. From sleepless nights to joyful milestones and everyday challenges, our platform connects us through universal truths and celebrates the diversity of parenting. Join us in embracing the collective strength of our community, where every story matters.

Madison Burton
I am a twin, so my mum had lived the twin mum life. She was very supportive of a routine so she came and stayed with us for 3 nights got us all into a routine which we are guided by still each day!...

We have chosen Co-Sleep and started too around the 1-month-old mark. For our family, it is the safest mentally and physically way to sleep…

Tessa Wood
…I’m still breastfeeding my 2 year old! I say that because I’m really proud of our journey that has absolutely come with challenges…

Bella GOre
Next for our family is to really enjoy and live in this stage of my life. I am loving being there for swimming lessons, kinderGym, play dates, park trips and more.

Alannah Riley
…Through every storm, we have these little people who think the world of us. Who are constantly learning and becoming their own little selves. They give the best hugs. They say the funniest things. They bring out your inner child. Every age and stage has beauty to it…

Tory Roberts
Seeing the relationship grow between Bear and Tallulah, I have this feeling that I think they will be the best of friends…

Pam Rogers
Feeding each of my babies, however I have fed them, has been a honour. I am beyond blessed that they are here with me, thriving and filling my days with love and light…

Dannie Smart
…not having any family was tough; no one to babysit when we really couldn’t take time off work or help out when we were sick…
Tegan Hedington
…also trying to get through toddler tantrums… do you die on the hill not letting them have rice bubbles for dinner???…

Katie Bowen
he expectations I set on myself as a mum and on her, which I believe came from the exorbitant amount of information there is online from sleep consultants all saying things your baby "should" and "should not" be doing. It's extremely overwhelming
Yasmin Johnson
The last time I answered this question, breastfeeding was the hardest part. Now, I would say that patience is the greatest challenge…

Edyn Cameron
My name is Edyn Cameron (Milos). I am a daughter, sister, friend, aunty, wife and more recently mother to an almost 6 month old, Charlie…

Eilish Packer
Your life will have big changes but it is nothing you aren’t capable of…

Sophie Shaw
Take everyday as it comes, make the most of it and don’t worry so much…
Hayley Sefo
If you have a tough sleeper in those early days, know for a large part that it will get better, you're doing an amazing job….

Alisha Jimenez
Yes your life will change like crazy, and you will feel really overwhelmed at times but it is so worth it…

Lauren Brunskill
During the early weeks of figuring out all the latching issues, my right nipple had sustained so much damage that I literally had a chunk of it missing - it looked like a crater on the moon….
I kept thinking 'it could be any day now!' My due date slowly came and went, and I was incredibly emotional every morning when I woke up without any symptoms of labour…

I can’t walk past mirrors without looking down because I can’t stand catching a glimpse of who I am now, I don’t know who she is…

I think one of the hardest bits for me has been adjusting to the lifestyle change and at times feeling quite isolated…
I am a twin, so my mum had lived the twin mum life. She was very supportive of a routine so she came and stayed with us for 3 nights got us all into a routine which we are guided by still each day!...