When Nicola met Hamise & Leo
Nicola shares the births of her two sons, Hamish and Leo. Both births had their similarities, breaking waters at home, labour progressing quickly (with an ambulance being called for one), same midwife, no time for any pain relief or her wanted water birth - and both ending in beautiful baby boys brought safely into the world.
NICOLA tells her birth story in her own words…
Hamish (first birth)
I went into this birth with my eyes open. I knew things would be different to what I thought they could or should be. I didn’t have a birth plan other then I wanted to have a water birth if possible and I would prefer not to have any intervention like forceps or a kiwi cup. However, I understood that if it was needed then I would accept any intervention.
I was under the care of an amazing midwife as part of the continuity program at Canberra Womens and Childrens Hospital.
On my baby’s due date, I felt really good. I had heaps of energy although I couldn’t quite get comfortable all day. I went to yoga the day before and during that I felt him engage (shout out to The Mumma Hub in Kingston with Amanda). I went to bed that night thinking that maybe this could be it. Sure enough, at 11:15pm my waters broke. I went back to bed but couldn’t get comfortable. Then, at 11:45pm my contractions started.
I spent most of that night walking around the kitchen in a slight panic not knowing what was going to happen and imaging the pain that I was going to feel but also very excited to meet my little boy for the first time. At around 3:30am, things started getting serious. My husband called my midwife and she came over. My midwife was concerned that I was about to have a home birth so she asked my husband to call an ambulance. At this point, I was on the floor of my bedroom not able or willing to move due to the pain. I was transferred to hospital via an ambulance at around 5am.
When I got into the birth centre, my midwife and sister-in-law (also a midwife) got me on to the bed and I started to push. There wasn’t any time for a water birth or pain relief. Hamish was born at 5.31am.
Leo (second birth)
I went into this birth pretty much the same as the last. I was slightly more anxious about the birth because I knew how much it hurt. This time we didn’t know if we were having a boy or girl which added a bit of excitement to the birth. I definitely thought the birth would happen very similarly to Hamish (minus the ambulance this time) around the due date. So, it was very difficult to go over.
Leo was born at 40+6 and that week felt like the longest week ever. I was over analyzing every little movement and pain. I had the same amazing midwife as before and she was able to perform two successful stretch and sweeps on 40+3 and 40+5.
After the last stretch and sweep, at 11:30pm, my contractions started.
They came every 5 minutes. This time I was able to sleep through most of it. Then at 5am something changed. The contractions were the same as before but my gut instinct was telling me that this was it. I woke my husband up at 5:30am and told him to call his mum who was coming over to look after Hamish. Waiting 10 minutes for her to come over was excruciating, I didn’t want to have an unplanned home birth.
Finally, we were on our way to hospital, we did have to stop for a kangaroo on the way. We arrived at the birth centre at 6:30am, my midwife wasn’t there yet but another midwife led us into a room. My sister-in-law was there again for this birth and she laid me onto the floor and after a few pushes Leo was born at 6:48am.
Again, I didn’t have time for pain relief or a bath but I wouldn’t change it.
What do you wish you knew before birth?
I wish I was more prepared for the forth trimester. It is very difficult. I felt like it was a little easier the second time around but that’s because I was prepared.
If you could, would you do anything differently?
I would trust my instincts and leave for the hospital earlier. For the second birth, when I called my midwife, I trusted my instincts and left for the hospital at the right time.
What did your partner do that really helped during labour/birth?
My husband was so calm and encouraging. He made me feel like I could do anything.
What advice/honest truth would give a mama-to-be about birth?
Advocate for yourself. If you don’t want something or you do want something then speak up. You are in control. I didn’t have a bad experience but I wish I knew that I didn’t have to have a CTG on just before the birth.