When sarah met isla
Sarah had a long labour, tiring her mentally and physically. She spent a lot of time labouring at home with her TENS machine strapped on, bouncing on her ball and surrounded by Christmas tree lights and a birth playlist that provided a beautiful setting, which was completely contradictory to how she was feeling. In the end, she needed to have the Kiwi cup and an episiotomy to bring her daughter into the world, but would relive those first few moments in a heartbeat if she could.
Sarah tells her birth stories in her own words…
I was 40 + 3 and just like every other overdue expecting mumma out there, impatient to meet her baby. My story isn't necessarily a juicy one or out of the norm but it was a long labour and one about keeping an open mind to accept what may need to happen and benefits of the continuity of care program.
I tried everything from intense walking, gutter walking, yoga, yogi squats, bouncing on the ball to Chinese foot massages and even the 'Egg plant parmigiana' recipe that promises to bring on labour. I ate that all weekend. Dates, raspberry leaf tea you name it. Not only all of that... I had clary sage diffusing every day in the lead up to my due date and was rubbing it all over my belly with coconut oil - safe to say that smell makes me gag now.
Come early hours of Sunday night/Monday morning, I felt wetness which I thought may have been my waters breaking, but when I checked it was blood. I texted my midwife and asked her if this was a concern, she said no, it was just my bloody show and all sounds promising and things could kick off within 72 hours. Again, feeling impatient.. I patiently waited on Monday and tried to keep myself occupied.
After lunch that's when early contractions started and come Monday night, they started to get more intense and more regular. Regular enough that I couldn't sleep. Around 5/6 am on the Tuesday, my contractions came to a stop and I couldn't feel Isla moving so I began to worry, I called my midwife and arranged to meet her at the hospital to check. Once we arrived at hospital and got strapped up to the monitor, of course Isla started to move and all was fine. My midwife offered me a stretch and sweep to kick things along even further as I was also due to have my 40-week midwife appointment on this day.
We did the stretch and sweep (I personally thought it was ok) but it definitely kicked things along because after lunch the contractions came back almost like a period with a vengeance and more bloody show. I continued to do things around the house but relax as much as I could by binge watching vampire diaries (for the 3rd time lol) to keep me distracted. It was after lunch that I decided to put the TENS machine on (highly recommend this as it really helped me). It wasn't until around 9pm Tuesday night that they became really intense, I was loosing my mucus plug and thought it may be time to call my midwife. She told us to stay at home and call her if my water breaks.
By 2am, my water still hadn't broken. I was up and down our stairs at home using the bathroom, vomiting and using the shower and rolling on the ball. The only comfortable position I could find was on the ball and leaned over the lounge. It was December, so we had the Christmas tree lights on and a birth playlist I created of meaningful music to us, so it was quite a beautiful setting. However, on the ugly side of things I was throwing up and constantly needing to poop like the wedding dress try on scene out of the movie 'Bridesmaids' and all infront of my partner Jacob, It was at that point that I knew all dignity was going out the window lol!
It got to the point where mentally I was tiring, I couldn't sleep or eat and the contractions felt so painful in my hip joints and bones - that is the only place I felt them and it felt as though my bones were going to break. This took me by surprise as I thought they were supposed to be in your belly more than anything (but I didn't know what to expect). I was talking about wanting the epidural (even though all I ever wanted was a natural water birth), we called my midwife and she was still hoping to hear if my waters had broken but they hadn't. She came over around 2/3am and checked my dilation, I told her not to tell me but to tell Jacob and I was only at 2/3 CM so was told to stay at home and hopefully by the morning my waters had broken.
I had micro sleep while sitting on the ball leaned over the lounge with headphones on and the tens machine working for me. The intensity of the contractions started to slow by 5/6am and my waters still hadn't broken. We decided to call my midwife at 7am to give her an update and it was then that we decided to meet at the hospital to make a plan.
We arrived at hospital around 7:30am, by that point I was mentally not in my body so arrived to hospital practically naked with a nappy and dressing gown on. My midwife checked my dilation which still had not progressed overnight. I opted to have my waters broken (Again, I didn't mind it). Contractions intensified again shortly after and I was in and out of the shower with the shower head on my belly. They were that intense I thought 'Surely, I'm ready to get into the bath" but no, I hit breaking point shortly after. I was physically and mentally tired and the tens machine wasn't helping much by that point. I bawled my eyes out just begging to have the epidural but my midwife and Jacob knowing I wanted a water birth suggested I tried the gas and air. I actually loved the gas and air - I had practiced breathing exercises through yoga throughout my pregnancy and believe that definitely helped. After about 1.5 hours my dilation had got to 4CM and I think it was just after lunch at this point and the gas and air started to wear off. Again, leading me into another break down as nothing had progressed any further.
It was at this moment we decided, we had tried everything and unfortunately things just weren't progressing, my body and mental space was tired. I opted for the epidural and the oxytocin. I couldn't walk down the hall way quick enough as I had to move from the birth centre to one of the birth suites.
The moment of relief!! Once the epidural kicked in, I felt my mind come back into my body. I could speak to Jacob and eat again. I had the best cheeseburger I've ever eaten (or so it felt). I had a nap and shortly after a few hours I had got to 8cm. By this point my midwife had done her hours so unfortunately had to go home and send in her team member. That's when we met Sam, she was lovely. By 9pm I was at 10CM. Sam had checked me and said 'Ooh there's a lot of hair' (something I didn't even think of). I pushed for about an hour but found it hard as I couldn't feel anything. By 10pm Isla's heart rate had elevated so the OB came in to give guidance on the next strategy as Isla just wasn't crowning. She was coming out and then going back in no matter how hard I was pushing.
In the end, I needed to have the Kiwi cup (or also known as suction cup) and an episiotomy (Poor Jacob watched it all). Seriously when they say once the head is out, the rest is easy... it's so true. Once I pushed Isla's head out, It was the biggest relief of my life. I was also able to pull her the rest of the way out and onto my chest - that was the most beautiful moment for me and turned my 'not so amazing' birth experience into a positive one. She was born at 10:44 with a full head of hair. We spent the next few hours holding her and feeding her.
I would love to relieve those first few moments.
On a side note, I am so grateful to have been in the continuity of care program. It's so nice to have the same midwife throughout and build a connection with them. Even though Lauren wasn't able to make it to the birth we still got a lot of time with her before hand, she came to our house and was always available for a call or SMS if I had any questions throughout my pregnancy. She also came to our house the day after I was discharged, the week after and discharged us at 2 weeks. Lauren, Sam and the rest of Lauren's team were amazing and I always felt in good care. All expecting Mumma's should have the continuity of care.
What do you wish you knew before birth?
I wish I knew what to expect lol! Even though you can't. It's so hard going into your first birth and not knowing what is to come or you might actually be further off than you think.
If you could, would you do anything differently?
I would try and make myself more comfortable. I wish we had a bigger bath at home as I would've enjoyed being in there whilst we were at home.
What did your partner do that really helped during labour/birth?
Everything. He was honestly the most amazing support mentally and physically. The OB who delivered Isla even asked if he had some type of medical background as they hadn't seen someone so involved physically in the birth. Whatever needed to be done Jacob did. He held a towel so we could use it to do a bit of tug o war as a method for me to bear down and the OB was pretty impressed.
What advice/honest truth would give a mama-to-be about birth?
Be open. You will obviously have your ideal 'birth journey' in mind but it's so important to keep an open mind because if certain things need to happen at the end of the day you can accept what may need to happen and throughout the journey whatever it may be, having an open mind will ensure that when you meet your baby, them being there healthy and happy is all that matters from then on.