Surviving Life with a FIFO Husband: Tips for Managing Solo Parenting During the Week

Being a wife to a FIFO husband who is only home on weekends can feel like a marathon every week. From the moment the week begins, I’m balancing work, two kids, and keeping the household running smoothly, all while missing Steve. By the time bedtime rolls around, I’m absolutely exhausted. But over time, I’ve found little tricks and routines to help me survive the week, and while it’s still draining, these have made the load a little lighter.

Meal Planning: Saving Time and Energy

One of the first things I adjusted to was meal planning. Cooking a fresh meal every single night is simply too overwhelming, so I plan meals that can last for two dinners. Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays are my designated cooking days. I choose meals that taste just as good the next day, whether it’s a casserole or something that works well as leftovers. Slow-cooked meals are another great option; I’ll throw something in the slow cooker in the morning, and by the time dinner rolls around, it’s ready and waiting. The bonus is that it saves me time and energy, especially when the evening chaos begins.

Staying Connected with Steve

Although Steve is away, we make sure to stay connected throughout the day. FaceTiming Steve is a crucial part of our routine—it helps the kids feel like he’s still part of their everyday lives. We’ll FaceTime in the morning before daycare, after daycare pickup, and again at bedtime. Whether it’s Noa telling him about her day or Ollie waving hello, keeping that connection with their dad as frequent as possible is super important for all of us.

Clothing Prep: No Morning Fights

Mornings can be hectic when you’re trying to get two kids out the door on time. That’s why I swear by laying out our clothes the night before. Not just for the kids, but for me too. Noa gets to choose her outfit, which means no morning battles over what she’ll wear, and Ollie’s clothes are all set as well. This little step saves me from the last-minute scramble and ensures we’re ready to go.

Daycare Bags Packed and Snacks Ready

Another routine that’s made a big difference is packing daycare bags the night before. Sometimes, I even go the extra mile and load them into the car, so I’m not running around in the morning. After a long day at work, I also make sure to have a lunchbox full of snacks waiting in the car for daycare pickup. It keeps the kids happy on the drive home and buys me some time before the evening routine kicks in.

Laundry Hacks: Getting Through the Never-Ending Loads

Let’s be real—laundry never stops, especially with kids. I’ve learned to tackle it strategically. I’ll put a load of laundry in the dryer overnight and start another one in the washing machine while I’m at work the next day. I’ve also come to accept that folding every day is unnecessary. Folding clothes every other night keeps things manageable, and this system keeps the laundry monster under control without consuming my entire week.

The Evening Routine: Creating Calm After a Busy Day

As soon as we get home, the countdown to bedtime begins. The kids get some playtime while I finish up dinner prep. By 5:30, we’re sitting down to eat. After dinner, the kids head straight to the bath, where they get to unwind with a long play. It’s a chance for me to catch my breath while they splash around.

Ollie has reached a point where he can put himself to sleep, which has been a game-changer for me. I give him his bottle, and he settles down in the cot while I spend some quality time with Noa. Whether it’s reading her a story or just chatting, this time with her helps us reconnect after a busy day. Once she’s ready for bed, I get a little bit of time to myself before the cycle starts again the next day.

Nighttime Prep: Setting Up for Success

Once the kids are asleep, I tackle the rest of the evening. First, I eat my own dinner (often something quick or leftover from earlier in the week), then clean up and jump in the shower. Before settling down for the night, I make sure everything is set for the next day—clothes, bags, snacks. There’s something so comforting about knowing tomorrow’s chaos is already prepped for.

Support Matters: My Lifesaver Midweek

I’m very fortunate that my mother-in-law comes to stay with us on Wednesday nights. She spends Thursdays with Noa, which gives me some much-needed help in the middle of the week. It’s a chance to recharge a little before Steve comes home on Thursday night, ready to spend the weekend with us.

The End of the Week: Steve’s Homecoming

By late Thursday night, Steve is home again, and that always feels like a huge weight lifted. We get to spend Friday and Saturday together as a family, making the most of the time before he leaves again on Sunday mornings. It’s tough, but knowing we have those days helps me get through the week. And with the routines I’ve set, I’ve found a way to keep the wheels turning, even if it’s just barely!

This life isn’t easy, and it’s exhausting, but these little routines have become my lifeline. Through all the chaos, I’ve learned to carve out moments of calm, moments with the kids, and most importantly, moments to stay connected as a family, even when Steve is away.


The Ultimate Guide to Busy Bags


Returning to work: A new chapter begins