Your secrets to kicking morning sickness to the curb

Morning sickness: plain and simple, it’s a b*tch. There’s just nothing like going about your day, minding your own business, then suddenly being hit with a wave of nausea that has you sprinting to the nearest toilet to spew or gagging like you’ve just tasted the worst fart of all time.

Growing your little baby is hard work, and the constant feeling of being sick makes it feel that much harder! According to statistics published by the Department of Health, nausea is the most common gastrointestinal symptom of pregnancy and occurs in 80-85% of all pregnancies during the first trimester. That’s a high statistic, and in the hope of helping out any other fellow mamas-to-be, we reached out to you and asked what your remedies were!

Here’s a few of the things we’ve learnt:

1. Fruit Tingles. But specifically the pink and yellow ones. These lollies take us way back to our childhoods but they seem to be making a comeback as they were the most common suggestion as a remedy! Coincidently, they are part of the Life Savers family, and it seems like most of us would agree that these fizzy little lollies are in fact life savers when it comes to morning sickness.

2. Soda Water + Ginger Ale. Again on the fizzy theme, these two drinks seem to be the favourites to down when you’re feeling queasy. Whether it’s the bubbles that are easier to swallow, or the little bit of ginger flavour, these were the two must have drinks at hand!

3. Dry biscuits + crackers. We can speak from experience here that dry, bland, plain biscuits when you feel sick are more appealing than eating at a 5 star restaurant for free while being fed by a topless Hemsworth brother.

4. Peppermint tea. Peppermint tea is often touted as a potential remedy for upset stomachs so it’s no surprise this made our list. It’s soothing effect on your stomach makes it easy to drink and it’s use for aiding digestion makes this a winner.

5. Constantly eating. Smaller meals and consistent snacking were also frequently mentioned. And in particular, keeping some bland snacks by your beside to grab first thing in the morning!

6. Birth. This is one we cannot argue with, and if we were placing bets on any of these remedies to work best… it would probably be this one.

And while these are just some of the anecdotal submissions from our followers, we do want to note a small disclaimer here that these are only suggestions from our community and are not to be interpreted as medical advice. Always consult with your GP if you are experiencing any symptoms.


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