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Tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m 35 and mum to Ebony (2.5 years) and Eddie (5.5 months).

What were you doing before babies/children?

Prior to moving to Canberra 5.5 years ago, I was traveling and living in London. When I moved to Canberra I was working part time and studying Primary Education. 

How did you come to be a Mum?

I had 2 really positive birth experiences.

Both my births were very similar, they were both induced with quick, natural intense labors at Queanbeyan hospital. Ebony was 2h 20 mins and Eddie’s was 1 hour 38 mins.

I did a hypnobirthing course when pregnant with Ebony to help prepare me for birth. I didn’t have a birth plan but I initially wanted to not be induced however that wasn’t possible due to medical reasons.

I developed high blood pressure with Ebony which was picked up late in my pregnancy around 34 weeks. This they believed led to her showing signs of growth restriction. They induced me at 38 weeks. My body reacted quickly to the drip and I progressed from 1 cm dilated to fully dilated in 2 hours due to this there was no time for pain relief other than gas which I didn’t like and stopped using. She was born 2.6kg but perfectly healthy.

Eddie’s birth was very similar although was diagnosed with chronic hypertension at 12 weeks and was closely monitored as they were concerned I was developing pre eclampsia. I was again induced at 38 weeks and again my body quickly reacted to the drip and he was born after a short labor of an hour and a half and weighed 3.1kg. I had some tearing this time but only required a few stitches.

Eddie has mild ventriculomegaly which was picked up at 32 weeks so we were concerned we wouldn’t be able to birth at Queanbeyan hospital but after further testing they allowed us to continue being under their care which was amazing. Due to my ongoing monitoring throughout my pregnancies I got to know many of the midwives and doctors prior to birth which made the experience feel more personal. 

What has your feeding journey been like?

My breastfeeding journey was short with both bubs. I have mild hypoplasia which meant I had low supply. Both Bubs had lip and tongue ties with Ebony’s not being picked up till 7 weeks and Eddie’s having to be snipped twice due to scar tissue. I mix fed both from around 5 weeks and stopped breastfeeding both at 4 months.  

What has sleep been like in your house? 

Sleep has surprising been good. Both Bubs slept through the night from around 6 weeks with the occasional over night feed. Before Eddie, Ebony came into our bed a lot but since getting her big girl bed she rarely wakes through the night.

The hardest bits… 

With Eddie having mild ventriculomegaly we didn’t know what to expect as there was no way of knowing if this was going to affect him prior to him being born. He has had 3 brain ultrasounds since being born and appears to be unaffected and hitting all his milestones but we are still waiting to be seen by Canberra hospital for further answers.

I was studying throughout both pregnancies which was hard when the kids were new borns but my partner really helped out and made it possible to finish my degree when Eddie was 5 weeks old.

I found having a newborn and a toddler was challenging as there was a mix of jealousy and lack of time to spend with my toddler one on one. That has now become easier as Eddie gets older and Ebony adores him.

The best bits…

Watching the kids together, how they interact and the love they already have for each other. Meeting other mums on similar journeys has also been amazing. It gives you the reassurance and support needed on both the hard and easy days.

How do you make time for yourself?

I do mums and Bubs yoga but also utilize the crèche at my gym. I also try to go out to dinner once a month with my sister or friends.

What’s next for you and your family?

Our family is complete now. Not sure what’s next for us as we adjust into a family of 4.

If you could talk to your pre baby/kid self, what advice would you give?

Being a parent is hard, there are new challenges everyday but it is so special. Surround yourself with supportive people and don’t be afraid to lean on them and learn from them. Everyone parents differently and that’s okay too.