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Natalie Jankuloski

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I am Natalie, mother to two gorgeous boys one 1.5 years old (Hunter), and one 10 weeks old (William). My partner and I have been together for 5 years and are getting married March 2023. We are in the process of building our home on 6 acres.

What were you doing before babies?

Before my eldest Hunter, I was working full time in the public service and running my own personal training business on the side. My partner also started his own plumbing & roofing business 6 months before we had our eldest boy Hunter.

How did you come to be a mum?

My partner and I both always want to be parents and we decided we wanted to start trying for a baby at the end of 2019. It took us about 6 months to fall pregnant with our first. With our second child it was a big surprise as our eldest was only about 5 months old (he has been the most amazing addition to our family).

What has your feeding journey been like?

With my first Hunter, breast feeding was horrible. He would feed every 45 minutes day/night and I had a low supply. I tried to breast feed for about 3-4 weeks. I sought assistance from a medical professional in which they advised me to sit down watch Netflix and just feed the baby all day, and advised breastfeeding is a great weight loss. During my first breast feeding experience I wish I understood and was provided more information and options as I had no idea for a first time mum.

I chose to give Hunter formula as he was never happy and not getting enough milk from me. I gave him his first bottle and he was asleep for 4 hours which was amazing (I thought I over fed him as he had never slept more than 45 minutes). My second William, I am loving breast feeding it is super easy this time round. I have a great supply and William is a happy chill baby. It is amazing how two babies experience with breast feeding can be so different.

What has sleep been like in your house?

Sleep has been a big no existent in our house since my first child. Hunter has struggled with sleep until he was about 13 months old. As previously stated it was only 45 minutes at a time he would go down and be up for about 2-3 hours. As he got older sleep did get better of course, he would still wake 4 times a night until probably 9-10 months old. Around 13 months one night he just decided to start sleeping through the night and has been since (not even a screaming newborn wakes him up). This was such a relief with a newborn coming along. However, as many may know the last trimester of pregnancy really prepares you for the new born stage where we get no sleep. So in my experience I haven’t had a full nights sleep for 1.5 years. The newborn life is I am sure the same as everyone can remember. They are up any where from every 1.5-3 hours. I believe our bodies are used to it by the second as I am not half as exhausted this time round, even with a wild toddler to chase after all day.

The hardest bits…

Having no idea what you’re doing but winging it. I remember for the first two weeks of having my eldest Hunter, crying everyday because I had no idea what I was doing and I felt I was doing it all wrong. Then moving to two under two some days are of course more difficult than others. Trying to split your time between both the boys is super hard (especially when they are both screaming at you). Some days you feel defeated, and exhausted but the next day is a whole new experience.

The best bits…

Seeing my boys smile, happy and grow into their own personalities. I absolutely love being a mother, it is honestly the best feeling having two adorable little people be by your side every day and enjoy your company.Watching them grow and learn new things every day. One of my favourite things is when my eldest can see me from a mile away and just starts yelling mum at the top of his lungs or when my littlest just stares at me when he is supposed to be sleeping and gives me those cheeky grins.

How do you make time for yourself?

To be honest my time to myself is once both boys are asleep at night and I just sit down. I have also recently joined Muse Pilates which I do one session a week as a mums & bubs class. I am hoping the other will be a normal class for just me.

What’s next for you and your family?

We are currently is the process of building a new home and planning for a wedding. So that will be a crazy next 12 months but I look forward to the next chapter with my partner and two boys.

If you could talk to your pre baby/kid self, what advice would you give?

Just do what ever works for you and your kids! Don’t worry too much about the small things. Your children will fit into your life exactly the way they are supposed to and the changes you make are to suit you and them.