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Dannie Smart

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m Dannie, I’m a 32 year old Disney loving, horror movie watching Swiftie with a passion for all things social media! You might have seen some of my reels recently. I’m the mama of a little 4 year old firecracker, Sammie. 

What were you doing before babies/children?

Before I had my daughter I was working full time as an Operations Manager at a busy lifestyle club. 

How did you come to be a mum?

Well in truth I made a deal with my husband that if he made me move from sunny QLD to Canberra he would have to give me a baby haha! And a few months after we were married he delivered (well I delivered) on that deal. 

What has your feeding journey been like?

Chaotic! We had to navigate living away from our family, bushfires and the disease who shall not be named. But I am extremely proud of us for doing the last 5 years by ourselves. It’s been tricky and testing at times but the satisfaction outweighs that. And I’m very proud of us! 

What has sleep been like in your house?

Well I don’t sleep. But my daughter has slept though since she was around 6 weeks which has been so bloody amazing but she was terrible day napper. 

The hardest bits…

Again not having any family was tough; no one to babysit when we really couldn’t take time off work or help out when we were sick.  

The best bits…

Sammie is the coolest kid and I get to spend so much time with her. She loves everything we love and is honestly the best mix of us. She is so fun and silly and fiercely intelligent. 

How do you make time for yourself?

Oh I do that between 10pm and 2am haha 

What’s next for you and your family?

Fingers crossed for another baby to join the team but for now we are all just going to continue to focus on our jobs, big school and hanging out more together! 

If you could talk to your pre baby/kid self, what advice would you give?