Morgan Mcgowan

Tell us a bit about yourself?

Im a 27 year old mama who is a massive foodie. I also love the gym and getting outside to watch a cheeky sunset. I have a beautiful partner and we have our 8 month old son Blake, who is the absolute light of our life.

What were you doing before babies?

I previously worked as a personal trainer for many years but once we decided we wanted to have a baby, I joined the public service so we would have that job security and be eligible for maternity leave!

How did you come to be a mum?

My partner and I decided that it was time to add another addition to our little family. I have a 10 year old step daughter and it was just the right time for us

What has your feeding journey been like?

I’ve been very lucky that our feeding journey has been quite easy, and we are still going strong at 8 months old! I had a lot of anxiety around breastfeeding when Blake was a newborn, but he has absolutely smashed it and been a champion with it.

What has sleep been like in your house?

B was sleeping extremely well when we first moved into our house, only waking twice a night for a feed and sleeping in his cot in the nursery. But for the past 6 weeks we don’t even know the word sleep.. between teething, developing & the separation anxiety around this age, he is waking up at least every hour if not more, so we are absolutely exhausted. But I know it will pass and it won’t be forever. This is the realness of being a parent haha!

The hardest bits…

The lack of sleep and the toll it takes on your relationship with your partner that no one talks about. They say the first year of having a baby is the hardest, and that’s definitely the truest statement I’ve ever heard.

The best bits…

The smiles when your child first wakes up and just looks at you and nothing else in that moment matters. You are their WHOLE world. And I love watching him explore and discover new things.

How do you make time for yourself?

I’m very lucky I have my mum for support and she has been AMAZING! She comes over to watch Blake so I can go to the gym or go spoil myself and get my nails/hair done. She has been an absolute life saver.

What’s next for you and your family?

Just taking it every day as it comes at the moment. We don’t have any plans for the future yet, just enjoying our time and everything that comes with having a baby.

If you could talk to your pre baby/kid self, what advice would you give?

Always trust your instinct and don’t let other people tell you how to parent your own child, because mama knows best!


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Kiara Chaplin