Yasmin Johnson

Tell us a bit about yourself?

It's been two years since I last answered these questions, and wow, so much has changed. I'm Yasmin—a Disney enthusiast, a serial over-committer, and someone who feels uneasy when I'm not being productive. I'm one of the four dynamic women behind Cbrmamas, a sister, a wife, a teacher, a dancer, and someone who's absolutely guilty of laughing too loudly.

Now, I'm also a mother of two: Noa, my spirited 3-year-old who’s bursting with sass, and Ollie, the final piece to our family puzzle. At the moment, I'm on maternity leave from my full-time teaching role. However, as you may have noticed on our socials, my mind is always buzzing with ideas, dreams, and plans for Cbrmamas.

What were you doing before babies?

Before babies, I was happily teaching full-time, arriving early and staying late because I absolutely love what I do. I also filled my time with as much live music as possible, indulged in dinners and drinks, and went to festivals and weekend getaways with my husband. We were the typical, happy-go-lucky couple who chose to stay up late by choice, not by necessity!

How did you come to be a mum?

The last time I answered these questions, I mentioned how I had planned to wait until after we got married to have kids. But my body and soul had other ideas, and I found myself yearning for a baby ASAP! So, we started trying right in the middle of the pandemic, which eventually brought us Noa (you can read my birth story here).

Two years later, during our honeymoon, we decided to try for another, and along came Ollie. My pregnancy with Ollie was a rough journey. Starting at eight weeks, I was plagued by pelvic girdle pain so severe that some days I couldn’t get out of bed or walk, and I was in constant pain. It took a toll on my mental health, especially while chasing around an independent and spirited toddler. After nine challenging months, Ollie arrived in a manner strikingly similar to Noa’s birth. Suddenly, I was a mother of two (Ollie’s birth story will be shared in August!).

Having kids has taught me that being a mum isn’t just about growing and birthing them. It’s about loving them, learning from them, learning about myself, and navigating a billion other things that shape and continue to shape me as a mum.

What has your feeding journey been like?

Breastfeeding Noa was a nightmare for me the first time around. I was uneducated and completely anxious about the whole process. From the beginning, I was overwhelmed with anxiety. Noa wasn’t latching, and I was in tears trying to make it work. Despite receiving help from midwives and lactation consultants, I just couldn't get past my anxiety. Eventually, I decided to switch to formula feeding when she was three months old.

When I found out I was pregnant with Ollie, I decided to take a proactive approach to breastfeeding. Determined to make this experience different, I sought the guidance of a lactation consultant before giving birth. One of my wonderful friends gifted me a voucher to see Midwife Alex who is an absolute angel, easing my mind in the lead-up to Ollie's birth.

We delved into breastfeeding terminology, various holding techniques, and thoroughly examined my nipples. We discussed flanges, breast pumps, nipple shields, and so much more. This comprehensive preparation, coupled with the reassurance that my daughter had thrived on formula, removed the pressure I had felt before. This newfound confidence, I believe, was key to my success in breastfeeding Ollie.

While it took a few months for my nipples to adjust—oh, the pain—I have now been breastfeeding Ollie for nine months. Due to a few well-deserved trips away from the kids, he has naturally transitioned from breast to bottle. This time, however, I can proudly say that my breastfeeding journey was not just about feeding; it was about empowerment, knowledge, and the profound connection I developed with my son.

So bottom line ladies, if you’re feeling uneasy about breastfeeding - go see someone. I LOVED Alex and there are sooo many wonderful consultants out there (with a few in our Cbrmamas Directory hehe)

What has sleep been like in your house?

Noa has always been an awesome sleeper! By the time she was two, she had transitioned to a big girl bed, which was fantastic. However, when Steve returned to the mines for work, Noa would sometimes sneak into my bed during the night. While we gently remind her to sleep in her own bed, we also cherish these moments knowing that there will come a time when she won’t want to cuddle us in bed anymore.

Ollie has also been pretty good with his sleep habits, but he still sleeps like a typical baby—meaning inconsistently! I remember with Noa, I used to stress over sleep schedules and get overwhelmed if she didn’t stick to the times I had set. Thankfully, my husband and I learned to relax and go with the flow, adopting the mantra "never wake a sleeping baby" and understanding that sleep promotes sleep. We’ve taken the same approach with Ollie, and for our sanity, it works like a charm.

Of course, there are moments of frustration, especially lately with Ollie's split nights (something I never experienced with Noa), but I take a deep breath, remind myself that babies love to keep us on our toes, and reach for another cup of coffee to get me through the day.

The hardest bits…

The last time I answered this question, I mentioned that breastfeeding was the hardest part. Now, I would say that patience is the greatest challenge.

Toddlers are incredibly demanding, but they're also in the midst of learning how to regulate their emotions. They're constantly absorbing information and trying to make sense of the world around them. This realization is something I have to remind myself of daily.

Growing up, I didn't witness a lot of patience in child development, particularly regarding emotions. Consequently, it's a real struggle for me to remain calm and co-regulate with my children to teach them healthy emotional skills. I'm acutely aware that children learn by example, so it's imperative that I model the behaviour I want them to exhibit. It's a continuous journey of self-improvement and growth for both me and my kids.

The best bits…

Well everything is amazing right? Seeing Noa grow into her big sister role and tell us everyday how much she loves her family is simply the best and Ollie absolutely ADORES her, apparently anything she does is hilarious. The other day, Noa drew her first family picture and I perished, it was so freaking cute.

I think also, knowing that our little family is complete, Steve and I are so excited for all the milestones, adventures and experiences ahead.

How do you make time for you?

Having Noa brought a sense of balance to my life that I hadn't experienced before. By the time I became pregnant with Ollie, I felt like I had finally found myself, only to feel confined once again. While I'm eternally grateful for the blessing of pregnancy, it marked the beginning of a period where I started to feel lost.

Balancing the needs of two children, alongside a husband working in the mines, has left me struggling to find time for myself. Internally and externally, I'm starting to feel the weight of this reality. I yearn for the freedom to indulge in my passions again—whether it's dancing, enjoying dinner outings, or hitting the gym.

Navigating this new chapter of motherhood has become a journey of self-discovery and adaptation. I'm determined to carve out space for the things that bring me joy, even if it means reimagining how they fit into my life now. It's a work in progress, but I'm committed to finding that balance once more. Watch this space.

What’s next for you and your family?

Well, hold onto your hats because here comes the excitement! I'll be returning to work in Term 3 for four days, but guess what? Plot twist! Our family is embarking on a thrilling adventure—we're moving to Newcastle after Winter!

But fear not, mama’s, I'll still be part of the Cbrmamas Team, albeit more in the background than the forefront. The move is a game-changer for us. It means Steve gets to be home with the family every night instead of being away for weeks at a time, and we get to soak up a whole new vibe.

I've never lived outside of Canberra, so this is a huge leap into the unknown for me. I'm buzzing with excitement for the warmer weather and the chance to explore a new city. Who knows how long we'll be there, but for now, it just feels right. And hey, if we ever find ourselves missing Canberra too much, who’s to say we won't be back in the future? Adventure awaits!

A piece of advice for our readers?

Embrace imperfection: You don’t have to have it all figured out. It’s ok to make mistakes and learn from them. Your imperfections make you human and relatable mama.


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