Tiny Teach

Tiny Teach, with the support of Denman Village Community Centre and Communities at Work run play based Educational classes for tinies and toddlers ages 0-3 years. Organised activities are developmentally appropriate, run by teachers and Early Childhood educators. All classes encourage parents to be actively involved and connect with their child, as well as ask questions and engage with organisers and other attendees.

There are 2 classes held on a Tuesday and Thursday:

9:15am - 10:15am and 11am - 12pm

Classes focus on exposure to different sensory and creative experiences through textures, sounds, smells and colours. There will be opportunities to encourage language development through songs and music. Movement activities include ways to support tummy time, crawling and cruising, running, walking, jumping, crossing the midline as well as fine motor, gross motor, hand and eye co ordination.

There are imaginative play opportunities to support creative thinking and language development and encourage social skills such as managing emotions, turn taking and following directions and vocabulary extension. Classes are tailored to your child's age and development once enrolled.

An adult will need to remain in the class with all children attending.
