When taylor met marcus
Taylor, mum of two boys Lincoln and Marcus, had a successful VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean), after her first birth almost two years prior resulting in an emergency caesarean section and a loss of 2.2 litres of blood.
Taylor tells her birth story in her own words…
To say I am super proud of myself would have to be an underestimation.
After my first birth almost two years ago resulting in a CAT A c section and a massive loss of 2.2 litres of blood, my healing from the c section was nothing but perfect. The surgeon did an amazing job and I had no issues what so ever! So I didn’t want to be “butchered” if I had to have another one.
I was super determined to have a successful VBAC…and you know what, I did just that!
I would highly recommend having a student midwife! She was my backbone throughout my pregnancy and my birth. My partner doesn’t handle those situations well (but really who does) so having her there to be my extra support person was the best.
My midwife I had also, holy moly! She needs a medal. All midwife’s do. If I could kiss her I would!
I had gestatial diabetes from the day I found out I was pregnant, as I previously also had it with my first. I got onto of my diet etc. though still ended up on a high dosage of insulin before bed which lead me being induced at 39 + 3.
I headed in for induction, ended up with the balloon. It wasn’t that bad for me. Slept with it in. Woke up at 6:30 and the midwife said it did it’s job let’s break waters. And so they did.
Walked around trying to bounce on the ball to get things going, and they did.
Now I was very hesitant for the drugs. The oxci and the thought of rupturing of my scar was somewhat high, it was just shy of two years between births.
So I really didn’t want them. A lovely registrar and a dr said they would feel comfortable giving me small amounts and to see what my body does. So then we started that.
Things kicked off, contractions coming in hard and fast and I really tried hard to breathe through them as they came, I had a check and I was 7cm dilated and that’s when I asked for the epidural.
The epi did not fully work, I was still able to feel the pressure and a little bit of pain. Again so proud of my self as I don’t deal with pain well.
There was a point where I said to my midwife I really really need to poo/push. I just need to please let me push, they had a quick look and sure enough I was 10cm and was allowed to start pushing!
After 58 minutes of pushing out what felt like the biggest poo of my life. I birthed my beautiful baby boy. All with a small “graze” my midwife applied warm compressions which I think helped soooo much.
I got to feel his head as he was coming and then placed onto my chest where nothing in the world mattered because you know why? I just had the most successful VBAC situation, only lost 100ml blood. Baby was safe, placenta came out intact and now this is my time to enjoy our “golden hour”
What do you wish you knew before birth?
Being my second birth I was a lot more knowledgeable this time around,
Though something I wish I knew before my first was, advocate! Use your words. No one will know what you want unless you express it
If you could, would you do anything differently?
For someone who went in soooo open minded both births I’d wish I tried hypobirthing.
I feel as I did well with the breathing and etc until it all got to much and my mind took over. As much as they say concentrate on breathing it’s very hard to if you haven’t been shown how to.
What did your partner do that really helped during labour/birth?
To be totally honest he just sat behind me (and that okay some men just dont cope and there’s no point forcing them to do things they don’t want to do)
He was water boy, that’s all he was good for this time round 😂 im so thankful I had my student midwife and an amazing midwife.
What advice/honest truth would give a mama-to-be about birth?
If you have had an epidural, please get someone to remind you to press the bottom for the drug, you are the only person allowed to touch that button. And you can forget and the pain can and will come back.