Eilish Packer

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I am 22 and now a Mumma to Mr Jasper, who is 5 months old and a step mum to Lewis who is 5 and a partner to Michael.

Before I went on maternity leave, I worked as a Personnel Capability Specialist in the Royal Australian Airforce Full-time and once my leave is up, I plan to head back to the Air Force part time.

What were you doing before babies/children?

Before Jasper, I was working full time and playing as much AFL as I possibly could and looking after my step-son Lewis.

How did you come to be a mum?

Michael and I have always wanted to have a family, but never planned timings.

Jasper was a huge surprise for Michael and I, but would not wish for anything else. Jasper had changed our lives for the better and we cannot wipe the smiles off our face.

During my pregnancy, I had morning sickness till about 16 weeks and nothing I ate would stay down so that made going out very eventful

What has your feeding journey been like?

I breastfed Jasper for the first 3 months of his life and I was very lucky as my milk came in very early on at about day 2 and there was a lot of it. Unfortunately, it only lasted 3 months as it had a very big mental impact on me, so I decided that putting Jasper on formula was better for the both of us. Jasper took to bottles and formula like a champ. Unfortunately Jasper has severe reflux so only recently we have found a solution that works for Jasper not to vomit as much as what he used to.

What has sleep been like in your house?

Some days it’s great, others it feels like I haven’t slept at all. For the first couple of months jasper would wake every 3 hours. Now he sleeps stints of about 6 hours if not more depending on when he goes down at night.

The hardest bits…

The hardest bit would have to be adjusting to having 2 kids with a 5 year age gap as they both want as much attention as possible. Also, the postpartum anxiety is so real for me, I try not to work myself up about things but I’ve always had really bad anxiety. On top of that, trying to work out what Jasper needs or wants takes its toll, although I think I’ve worked him out really well.

The best bits…

Oh my, I really didn’t realise how much I would  love Jasper and watch him grow into the cheeky little boy he is. The way Jasper makes so many people happy is so special especially his Papa. Jasper is so lucky to be surrounded by so much love and people who will have such a big impact on his life.

How do you make time for yourself?

Haven’t quite got that one worked out yet, but it is often just watching a movie in bed at the end of the day even though my partner is next to me and jasper is next to me in his bassinet. I’m very much a home body now that I’ve had Jasper but when AFL starts up next year that will probably be my alone time.

What’s next for you and your family?

Not 100% sure yet. Another baby is definitely on the cards just not sure of timings yet but at the moment we are just enjoying our little family bubble with Lewis and Jasper.

If you could talk to your pre baby/kid self, what advice would you give?

Your life will have big changes but it is nothing you aren’t capable of. I actually have a tattoo down my spine that quotes “life is tough my darling, but so are you” and I live by that so much. Yes life gets tough but it’s nothing I’m not prepared for.


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