Sophie Shaw

Tell us a bit about yourself?

My name is Sophie. I am a wife and a mum to a very squishy 7 month old boy named Darcy. I have a very creative brain and like to keep very busy doing a million and one hobbies! 

Right now, I’m pretty centred around my Motherhood journey and thoroughly enjoying the wild ride! 

What were you doing before babies/children?

Before my baby, I was a full time Visual Art High School teacher who was running a photography business and studying a diploma in beauty therapy ( see, I like to keep busy!) 

How did you come to be a mum?

My husband and I always wanted to be parents. We couldn’t wait to get married and start our little fam! We got married in 2021 and had our baby boy in December of 2022 after about 3 months of trying. 

What has your feeding journey been like?

My feeding journey has been pretty smooth, and I am feeling very lucky that it worked out that way. Darcy had a bit of a lip tie and I made adjustments to work with that. I never knew how much breastfeeding would hurt to start off with and that awful pins and needles feeling of the milk coming in. I’ll never get used to that. 

Overall, I have been really enjoying my feeding journey so far. 

What has sleep been like in your house?

Darcy has always been a pretty good sleeper. The 4 month regression hiccuped our nights a bit but after some sleep training, he now falls asleep on his own. 

The best part is that I now fall asleep super quick in fear that I need to make the most of it! 

The hardest bits…

is trying to figure out what is wrong with your little human when they’re upset. 

The best bits…

are too many to list! I LOVE seeing him grow and learn something new every day and watching his little personality blossom. 

How do you make time for yourself?

I don’t have much time to myself but I find that my Photography is a good thing for me. It has been great getting my little creative brain buzzing again! I also do little DIY projects around the house during his nap times. 

What’s next for you and your family? 

We’re going to try for another baby as soon as we are able! We want at least 4! 

We are also going on our first big family holiday to Bali very soon, so I’m very keen to have some “me” time somewhere in between there! 

If you could talk to your pre baby/kid self, what advice would you give?

Take everyday as it comes, make the most of it and don’t worry so much! 


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