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Sema Isin

Tell us a bit about yourself…

So basically I have worked in construction for years, I have two big doggies and a lovely partner Luke. 

How did you come to be a mum?

We found out I was pregnant and everything was going well! 

Until about 20 weeks I found out my baby was severely growth restricted and I was at high risk of preeclampsia therefore I had to decide weather to keep the baby or not as there wasn’t much of a chance of survival for bub and a good chance I would get extremely sick. 

I chose to go forward and made it to 28 weeks after spending at least 4 + weeks living in the hospital being monitored, I became extremely sick from the preeclampsia my body started to go into failure so I had to have an emergency c section, then another surgery as I had a bleed from my c section. 

Then came little Flora she was born at only 650 grams and 30 cms, she then went on to spend the next 5 months in the NICU and special care. 

She came home around mid July, with home oxygen and the feeding tube- which was hard, especially trying to leave the house. 

It was extremely hard journey we were definitely in fight mode just going with the motions, but we are so lucky to have our little miracle who beat all the odds!

What has your feeding journey been like?

Our feeding journey has been a tricky one as she has been so tiny it’s been hard keeping her weight up. I started off breastfeeding when she was big enough and the nurses also begun bottle feeding but she unfortunately developed a feeding aversion to bottles and silicon in general hence why she still has the tube which sucks. So basically I need to keep up her solids and try and get her to drink from a sippy cup for hydration but she really struggles :(. 

She is currently 10 months and 7 corrected, she still has a feeding tube and is teeny tiny 5 kgs. 

What has sleep been like in your house?

Sleep in our house used to be great! As she was well trained from the NICU haha but now she is teething and likes keep me up.

How do you make time for yourself?

It is hard to find time for Myself, as no one can really watch her besides me or my partner as no one can tube feed her, but I must try harder! 

What’s next for your family?

We are currently expecting another bub due in July! So that’s pretty crazy 

Beside that, our lives are still filled with hospital visits like most prems, little Flora still has stacks of appointments, weekly new tubes from her pulling it out but overall she’s killing it!