Rebecca Bork

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I am a mama of three amazing boys, I am currently a stay at home mum, embracing the chaos and obstacles that come with having three children.

What were you doing before babies/children?

Before the boys, I worked in admin I didn’t love it but it paid the bills.

I fell pregnant in an unhealthy relationship. I did pregnancy and the first year of motherhood alone, I met my current partner at work, and for that i’m grateful that I worked this job.

How did you come to be a mum?

Unfortunately, with my oldest son, I was in an unhealthy relationship, we separated not long after I found out I was pregnant and I decided to continue on as a single mum.

What has your feeding journey been like?

I breastfed all my babies without issue, I fed them all for about 10 months. I enjoyed the feeding journey, in particular starting solids.

What has sleep been like in your house?

My oldest was a dream sleeper, I have zero complaints, my middle child had colic, he was hard to get to sleep, he use to have lots of 10 minute naps, which was hard to handle sometimes, he became a better sleeper just at around one. My youngest kind of had to go with the flow, having 3 kids under 3.5 it was busy. He was easy.

The hardest bits…

The hardest bits for me had to be finding love when I already had a child, and transitioning from 2-3 kids, I think I may have had post natal depression, but I can never be sure.

The best bits…

The laughs, the fun, making memories, you know when you just know when something is going to be a core memory, I love that

How do you make time for yourself?

I do something I enjoy for myself everyday. Whether it’s a hot coffee in the morning in bed, or netball in the evening, whatever it is I enjoy I try and do it each day.

What’s next for you and your family?

Next year my youngest will be in full time school. So I think i'll have to find a job or create a business. Who knows but I’ll figure it out.

If you could talk to your pre baby/kid self, what advice would you give?

Be gentle with yourself, we are always too hard on ourselves as mothers. Go with the flow and enjoy your babies and kids. Don’t rush them to grow up. Find the child within yourself and have fun!


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